For the next 60 seconds, set aside whateverYou're doing and take this opportunity! Let's see if SatanCan stop this.... ... ... ... THE(SCIENTIFIC) DEATH OF JESUSAt the age of 33,Jesus was condemned to death .At the timeCrucifixion was the "worst" death. Only the worstCriminals were condemned to be crucified. Yet it wasEven more dreadful for Jesus, unlikeOther criminals condemned to death byCrucifixion Jesus was to be nailed to theCross by His hands and feet.Each nailWas 6 to 8 inches long.The nailsWere driven into His wrist. NotInto His palms as is commonlyPortrayed. There's a tendon in the wrist thatExtends to the shoulder. The Roman guards knewThat when the nails were being hammered into theWrist that tendon would tear andBreak, forcing Jesus to use His backMuscles to support himself so that He couldBreath.Both of His feet
Were nailed together. Thus He was forced toSupport Himself on the single nail thatImpaled His feet to the cross. Jesus couldNot support himself with His legs because of the painSo He was forced to alternate between arching HisBack then using his legs just to continue toBreath. Imagine the struggle, the pain, theSuffering, the courage.Jesus endured thisReality for over 3 hours.Yes,Over 3 hours! Can you imagine this kind ofSuffering? A few minutes before He died,Jesus stopped bleeding. He was simply pouring waterFrom his wounds.From common imagesWe see wounds to His hands and feet and even the spear woundTo His side... But do we realize His woundsWere actually made in his body. A hammerDriving large nails through the wrist, the feet overlappedAnd an even large nail hammered through the arches, then aRoman guard piercing His side with a spear. ButBefore the nails and the spear Jesus was whipped andBeaten. The whipping was so severe that it tore theFlesh from His body. The beating so horrific that HisFace was torn and his beard ripped from His face. TheCrown of thorns cut deeply into His scalp. Most menWould not have survived this torture.He had no more blood
To bleed out, only water poured from HisWounds.The human adult body contains about 3.5 liters(just less than a gallon) of blood.Jesus poured all 3.5Liters of his blood; He had three nails hammered into HisMembers; a crown of thorns on His head and, beyondThat, a Roman soldier who stabbed a spear into HisChest..All these withoutMentioning the humiliation He suffered after carrying His ownCross for almost 2 kilometers, while the crowd spat in hisFace and threw stones (the cross was almost 30 kg of weight,Only for its higher part, where His hands wereNailed).Jesus hadTo endure this experience, to open theGates of Heaven,So that you can have freeAccess to God.So that your sinsCould be "washed" away. All of them, with no exception!Don't ignore this situation.JESUSCHRIST DIED FOR YOU!He died for you! It
Is easy to pass jokes or foolish photos by e-mail, butWhen it comes to God, sometimes you feel ashamed to forwardTo others because you are worried of what they may thinkAbout you.GodHas plans for you, show all your friends what He experiencedTo save you. Now think about this! May God bless yourLife!60Seconds with God...For the next 60Seconds, set aside what you're doing and takeThis opportunity! Let's see if Satan can stopThis.All you have to doIs:1. SimplyPray for the person who sent this message toYou:2.Then, send thisMessage to people.. The more the better.3. People willPray for you and you will make that many people pray to GodFor other people.4. Take aMoment to appreciate the power of God in your life, forDoing what pleases Him.If you are not
Ashamed to do this, please, follow Jesus' instructions.He said (Matthew 10:32 & 33): "Everyone thereforeWho acknowledges me before others, I also will acknowledgebefore My Father in heaven; but whosoever denies Mebefore others, I will deny before my Father in heaven.FOUND THIS ON FACEBOOK!
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